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Orangethorpe Transit Village Conceptual Study


Community Outreach


The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), in partnership with the City of Fullerton, is conducting the Orangethorpe Transit Village Conceptual Study (Study) that will explore the potential for transit-supportive development at the Fullerton Park and Ride Facility. The Study will analyze mixed-use development concepts that could include neighborhood retail, offices, and housing. The Study intends to preserve the transit and park and ride functions at the site while enhancing the sense of community and place, complementing surrounding developments, increasing access to sustainable mobility options, and improving the transit rider experience.

Join Us

We want to hear from you! Share your input by attending our upcoming in-person meetings and webinar and taking a brief online survey, which includes a chance to win one of two $50 gift cards. NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY to win. View rules.

Virtual Community Webinar:

Thursday, March 20th at 6 pm
Meeting ID: 891 1863 9349
Call-In: +1 (213) 338-8477

register here

Spanish Call In-Line: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 960-947-773

Korean Call In-Line: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access code: 478-136-597

In-Person Meeting:

Wednesday, March 26th at 6 pm
Fullerton Community Center – Classroom 1A
340 W Commonwealth Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832

The presentation will be 15 minutes after the event begins.

Refreshments and children’s activities will be provided.

Take Online Survey
take survey

Background & Purpose

The 9-acre Fullerton Park –and Ride Facility is owned and operated by OCTA and is surrounded by the Interstate 5/State Route 91 interchange, Orangethorpe Avenue and Magnolia Street.

The parking lot at the Fullerton Park –and Ride is underutilized, allowing for possible transit and mobility service enhancements and joint use development. The Study will explore these opportunities using the following criteria:

  • Identify land-uses that complement transit and park –and ride use
  • Support the City of Fullerton and local neighborhoods with complementary concepts
  • Improve services and conditions for transit riders

Up to three conceptual site design plans and a preliminary environmental assessment will be prepared that incorporate public input gathered throughout the Study's development. Ultimately, the conceptual site plans must demonstrate that they are financially feasible, allow for cost-effective maintenance and operations, and account for public safety, amongst other goals, before OCTA and the City of Fullerton consider advancing beyond this exploration phase. This Study will also define specific requirements, including the criteria listed above, that would need to be agreed to by OCTA, the City, and any private sector partners, should a project be pursued beyond this phase.


Site Assessment Fall 2024
Public and Stakeholder Engagement Ongoing
Conceptual Site Plans Mid Spring 2025
Preliminary Environmental Assessment Late Spring 2025
Final Report Late Summer 2025


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Fact Sheet
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pdf & video
pdf & video
October 2024 Webinar Presentation
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Survey Analysis Report
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Survey Infographic