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Plans and Studies

OCTA seeks to prepare a collaborative study to identify safety and access improvements near some of the highest ridership bus stops in Orange County. The Bus Stop Safety and Accessibility Plan (Plan) will leverage community engagement with comprehensive technical analysis to recommend safety enhancements and access improvements for pedestrians accessing OC Bus transit stops.
The Orange County Transportation Authority, in partnership with the City of Fullerton, is conducting the Orangethorpe Transit Village Conceptual Study that will explore the potential for transit-supportive development at the Fullerton Park and Ride Facility.
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is conducting a study to enhance bus travel times and reliability by implementing technology that would prioritize buses at signalized intersections.
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is conducting the Bikeways Connectivity Study to identify streets on the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) that are forecasted to have excess roadway capacity and can potentially accommodate Class IV bikeways.
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is identifying where transit operating speeds are slower than expected, often referred to as ‘chokepoints’ and developing strategies to improve transit travel times.
OCTA is studying rail challenges in south Orange County to assess existing and future environmental risks and issues with operations and maintenance along the Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor.
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is studying the development of a biking and walking trail connection along the former Pacific Electric Right-of-Way (PE ROW) corridor in Santa Ana and Garden Grove.
In Progress
In Progress
The OC Transit Vision is a 30-year plan for enhancing and expanding public transit service in Orange County.
In Progress
In Progress
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is developing an Orange County Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan that will provide recommendations that shift trips away from those driving alone and expand access to alternative travel options.
In Progress
In Progress
The Orange County Loops vision is to create seamless connections for people to bike, walk and connect to some of California's most scenic beaches and inland reaches.
OCTA updates the LRTP about every four years. The multi-modal projects and programs included are the basis for the Southern California Association of Governments' Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).
In Progress
In Progress
The study will examine ways to redesign our bus service to increase focus on the evolving needs of our customers.
Orange County's Bike + Ped Plan is the first countywide Active Transportation Plan (ATP) for Orange County that addresses both bicycle and pedestrian networks. The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) has developed this plan to provide a framework for bikeway and pedestrian planning across the county, and to be compliant with the Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) guidelines.
In June 1990, Proposition 111 was passed, which made additional funding available for transportation projects through a nine cent increase in the state gas tax and mandated that each county with 50,000 or more residents develop a Congestion Management Program (CMP).
Transportation plays a critical role in providing access to employment, medical and health care, education and other community services and amenities.
OCTA annually prepares a long-range plan for improvement along the SR-91 corridor between SR-57 in Orange County and I-15 in Riverside County.
Learn more about OCTA's completed studies.