Milestones: Progress from 2011 to Now
One half-cent of every sales tax dollar improves Orange County freeways, the transit system, and streets and roads as part of OC Go (also known as Measure M). After voters approved OC Go by nearly 70 percent in 2006, sales tax collection began in 2011 to achieve the goals highlighted below. Updated quarterly.
Deliver 30 freeway projects.
Streets and Roads
Provide annual competitive funding opportunities for local jurisdictions to address bottlenecks and gaps in the street system, synchronize signals, and continue flexible funding to local jurisdictions to preserve the quality of streets or for use on other transportation needs, as appropriate.
Support expanded mobility choices for seniors and persons with disabilities. Work with local jurisdictions to maintain successful community circulator projects and potentially provide grant opportunities for expanded or new local transit services.
OCTA also subsidizes Metrolink commuter rail service on three lines with 58 weekday/16 weekend trains.
Ensure the ongoing preservation of purchased open space which provides comprehensive mitigation of the environmental impacts of freeway improvements and higher-value environmental benefits in exchange for streamlined project approvals.