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A Transit Master Plan for Orange County

The OC Transit Vision is a 30-year plan for enhancing and expanding public transit service in Orange County.



The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is developing the 2024 OC Transit Vision Master Plan (OC Transit Vision), which aims to integrate, enhance, and expand multimodal transportation services in Orange County. This 18-month study will build upon the previous 2018 plan and other recent studies to establish a framework for future transit investments to include bus, streetcar, microtransit, first/last mile options, and other mobility services for the County.

The OC Transit Vision will analyze current transit corridors, modes, transit supportive design, and policy recommendations. In addition, the plan will address the latest in transit technologies, respond to evolving ridership trends, and outline potential funding sources.

The updated OC Transit Vision will provide a consistent, countywide transit approach that will be shared with local jurisdictions and other partner agencies to encourage coordination for advancing, funding, and implementation of transit-related recommendations both locally and regionally.

Latest Community Zoom Webinar

In July 2024, OCTA hosted a community webinar where participants provided feedback on the OC Transit Vision's plans and vision for public transit in Orange County. If you missed the community webinar, you could still watch the recording below.


Study Kickoff Summer 2023
Corridors and Fixed Route Recommendations Late 2023
Transit Mode Recommendations Early 2024
Transit Supportive Design & Policy Recommendations Mid 2024
Public Engagement Ongoing
Final Report Late 2024

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