Fares & Passes
A wide range of payment and pass options
No matter what trip you plan to take, there are bus fares and passes that will make travel convenient and affordable. Choose from paper passes or enjoy the ease of the OC Bus mobile app.
OC Bus offers a variety of regular fares to meet your bus travel needs. From single rides to 30-day passes.
Customers 60 years and older and persons with disabilities are offered reduced fares when riding OC Bus. Proper identification is required when purchasing and using a reduced fare.
OC Bus offers many options for younger riders beginning with free rides for those 5 and under with a paying adult. Customers ages 18 and under can also enjoy savings.
The 30-day College Pass is a reduced fare pass available to students enrolled in 9 or more units a semester at participating colleges. Proper identification is required when purchasing and using a reduced fare.
This program is a partnership between OCTA and local participating colleges that provides all registered students with an OC Bus pass for the semester.
OC Bus has partnered with California State University, Fullerton, UC Irvine and Chapman University to provide a low-cost University pass for students and faculty.