Orange County Transportation Demand Management Plan
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is developing an Orange County Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan that will provide recommendations that shift trips away from those driving alone and expand access to alternative travel options. The plan will offer a set of strategies aimed to reimagine Orange County's transportation framework, prioritizing sustainability, efficiency, and accessibility by reducing drive alone trips in Orange County. TDM strategies include carpooling, vanpooling, telecommuting, and other technology-enabled innovations such as carshare, bikeshare, and mobile trip planning apps.
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Orange County is looking at a significant population and employment increase of 9% and 12% by 2045, which will lead to more vehicles on the road. This growth is expected to increase travel demand and traffic congestion significantly if convenient alternatives are not provided.
TDM strategies provide a good opportunity to improve equity, sustainability, public health, and quality of life. Some TDM benefits include improving air quality, supporting healthier travel, and enhancing access to affordable transportation options. By boosting connections to essential services and opportunities, TDM can contribute to increased quality of life and socioeconomic mobility.
The plan will provide a consistent, countywide TDM approach that will be shared with local jurisdictions and other partner agencies to encourage a coordinated approach for advancing, funding, and implementing TDM strategies both locally and regionally.
Study Kickoff | June 2023 |
Public Engagement | Ongoing |
TDM Strategies and Analysis | Spring 2024 |
Draft Plan | Fall 2024 |
Final Plan | Winter 2024 |