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Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program


The Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Project P) provides Measure M2 (M2) funding for the coordination of traffic signals across jurisdictional boundaries including project based operational and maintenance funding.

The Comprehensive Transportation Funding Programs (CTFP) is the mechanism by which the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) administers competitive funding for streets and roads projects. The CTFP allocates funds through an annual competitive call for projects (call) based on guidelines and scoring criteria approved by the OCTA Board of Directors (Board). The CTFP guidelines identify procedures and requirements that local agencies must satisfy to apply for M2 funding and how project applications are evaluated. These guidelines were first approved by the OCTA Board on March 22, 2010, and are updated annually to initiate a Project P call cycle.

2025 Call Overview

On August 12, 2024, the OCTA Board authorized staff to issue calls for the CTFP Regional Capacity Program (Project O) and Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Project P). The staff report can be viewed here. OCTA is pleased to announce that the 2025 Project O and P calls under M2 are now open.

Typically, OCTA has made approximately $45 million in M2 funds available for each Project O and Project P call cycle. Proposed RTSSP projects are required to complete (and include with their application package) a supplemental application, which is subject to change and updated for each call, please see resources section below for the latest 2025 Project P Supplemental Application and related Guide.

Funding applications must be submitted via the OCFundtracker online grant management system and followed up with the submittal of one unbound hard copy. Both the hard copy, as well as the online application, are due to OCTA no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2024.

Please refer to the 2025 CTFP guidelines for other pertinent deadlines and funding application requirements.

2025 Call Schedule

Call Released/Board Approval for Issuance August 12, 2024
Application Workshop and Q&A Session September 4, 2024
New Facility Modeling Request to OCTA September 12, 2024
Draft Applications for "Route" Projects Due to OCTA September 26, 2024
Applications Due to OCTA (by 5:00 p.m.) October 24, 2024
OCTA Technical Steering/Technical Advisory Committee Review February/March 2025
OCTA Board Approval of Recommended Projects April/May 2025
2025 Project O & P Funds Allocated* July 1, 2025

* This is the earliest date projects can be programmed for the 2025 call

2025 CTFP Call Workshop

OCTA held the 2025 CTFP Workshop virtually on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. The presentation can be accessed here and in the resources below.

CTFP Guidelines

The CTFP Guidelines for the 2025 call were approved by the Board on August 12, 2024. The Board-approved 2025 CTFP Guidelines are available online and can be accessed below:

OCFundtracker Database

The OCFundtracker database can be accessed here.

The OCFundtracker training manual can be downloaded here. Please contact OCTA staff if you require additional training on the database.


If you have any questions regarding the call, the virtual workshop, or would like to schedule a one on-one application discussion, please contact Stephanie Mooney at (714) 560-5312 or or Charvalen Alacar at (714) 560-5401 or