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Together we move orange county forward

OCTA embeds diversity, equity and inclusion into everything we do. Our five pathways – people, programs, projects, policies and partnerships – lead to reliable, accessible and balanced transportation choices for everyone in Orange County.

In 2024, through the Board Initiatives and CEO Action Plan, OCTA will continue to empower diverse and disadvantaged communities through increased engagement; ensure equity is integrated into OCTA’s projects, studies and marketing materials; reflect community values by sustaining an inclusive and diverse work culture; and communicate DEI efforts to the public, OCTA Board members and executive leaders.

As part of its ongoing Trust Building Campaign, OCTA reaches out to Orange County’s diverse and disadvantaged communities to increase general awareness among Spanish- and Vietnamese-language communities to foster relationships and increase institutional trust.

Here are some of our accomplishments to date.

OCTA team members, celebrating, walking and talking, diversity meeting,  and at the wheel of an OC Bus.


We're committed to communication, training and representation so that everyone – passengers, public, community partners and employees – is along for the ride.

OCTA team members smiling in employee lounge
Young boy with baseball cap and blue polo smiles as he looks out of the window of an OC Bus.
A mother helps her daughter in a wheelchair
Graphical icon showing two people in verbal dialogue


To support transit operations, capital projects and planning studies, OCTA develops proactive diversity outreach and inclusion strategies using traditional and digital tactics to engage with diverse and underrepresented communities on OCTA initiatives and activities.

Graphical icon show a teacher pointing at a blackboard.


Our standardized interview training helps ensure unbiased hiring practices. All employees have taken unconscious bias training and workplace harassment prevention. OCTA is adding to employee development by introducing microagression training for all coach operators.

Graphical icon of word bubbles with characters from different languages inside them


Many of our communications, from websites to fliers to customer support, are provided in multiple languages.

Graphical icon of a group of individuals

Task Force

An internal task force addresses diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and works to enhance and embed these principles throughout the agency.

A Diverse Workforce Serving a Diverse County

Nearly 75% of our workforce is composed of diverse groups, and 48% of our administrative employees are women. Orange County is a vibrant mix of different groups and the OCTA workforce reflects that diversity. Working together, we forge a strong transportation system for all.

OCTA Workforce

  • Latinx (37%)
  • White (35%)
  • Asian (20%)
  • Black (13%)
  • Multiracial (4%)
  • Native American (1%)
  • Hawaiian / Pacific Islander (0.3%)

Orange County Population

  • Latinx (34.2%)
  • White (37.4%)
  • Asian (23.7%)
  • Black (2.3%)
  • Multiracial (3.9%)
  • Native American (1.1%)
  • Hawaiian / Pacific Islander (0.4%)
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau and O.C. Health Care Agency


We develop, fund and manage programs that address the diverse travel needs of Orange County's residents and preserve the unique character of our communities.

An OC Bus, written on the side states "Zero Emission for a Healthy Community"

Cleaner Fuel, Cleaner Air

Our zero-emission buses primarily travel through the county's disadvantaged communities, providing cleaner air to residents.

Two individuals looking at a smartphone inside a car

Ride Sharing Reduces Pollution

OC Vanpool and OC Rideshare remove vehicles from the road, leading to cleaner air and a healthier environment.

Smiling young man sits on the OC bus with headphones

Better Transit for Orange County

With input from the community, we’re working on the OC Transit Vision to integrate, enhance, and expand multimodal transportation services including bus, streetcar, microtransit, first/last mile options, and other mobility services.

A group of college students standing in front of OCTA's community college bus

Free Rides Benefit Students

Orange County’s students have taken millions of rides through the Community College Pass and Youth Ride Free programs, which provide bus passes to students at low or no cost, ensuring that transportation is never a barrier to education.

An OC Access vehicle parks in front of a station

Accessible Transit for All

OC ACCESS provides rides to those unable to use the regular OC Bus system due to functional limitations caused by a disability.

OC Flex van with a man standing inside the vehicle's open sliding door

On-Demand Microtransit

OC Flex shared shuttles provide free rides to transit in limited areas.

A landscape photo of hills, California brush, and cactus

Cleaner Environment, Healthier Community

The Environmental Mitigation Program offsets the environmental impacts of freeway projects and the Environmental Cleanup Program helps keep waterways and the ocean free from transportation-generated pollution.

A group of smiling OC Bus drivers stand in a row in front of an OC Bus A group of smiling OC Bus drivers stand in a row in front of an OC Bus


To deliver benefits that positively affect Orange County, we plan, develop, fund and manage efforts that improve access to transportation.

A smiling father holds his young son on his shoulders

Planning for the Future

The Long Range-Range Transportation Plan provides strategies on how best to expand transportation options for residents, workers and visitors throughout Orange County in the decades to come.

A Metrolink train rider words on a digital tablet device while traveling.

Protecting Rail Service for All

The Rail Infrastructure Defense Against Climate Change Plan addresses climate change stressors in several disadvantaged communities and low-income census tracts.

A woman with a hand-held stop sign helps students cross the street safely

Equitable Walking & Biking to Schools

Safe Routes to Schools aims to make it safer and easier for students at every school district across the county to walk and bike to school.

A rendering of the upcoming OC Streetcar in Santa Ana traveling thru the street

Healthy Transit Option for Congested Area

OC Streetcar will provide safe, reliable, high-frequency transit service in one of the most densely populated areas in the U.S.

A father and son inspect the tire of a small bicycle.

Active Transportation for Healthy Communities

OC Active serves as a central resource for safety improvements and projects and provides grant funding to cities and the county to improve pedestrian and cycling facilities.


Developed in accordance with all federally mandated, equity-related requirements.

Our policies consider transportation impacts and effects on communities, ensure that major changes to bus service will not disproportionately impact low-income and minority neighborhood, give communities a voice in future transportation improvements and help keep the OCTA workplace free of harassment and discrimination.

OCTA operates all of its services, programs and activities without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI federal regulations.


We collaborate with those who have similar goals to broaden understanding, diversify resources and build momentum.

A large group of women sit with laptops in a round table format for discussion

Working with Others to Benefit All

We are affiliated with several local, regional and national organizations focused on advocating for a more diverse, inclusive and equitable transportation industry, including among others, the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials, Women's Transportation Seminar and Latino Health Access.

A group of OCTA team members smiling at the camera

Inclusive Business Communications

We provide inclusive business opportunities in diverse communities to ensure their needs are being met and they are informed and able to communicate with OCTA during projects.

A young man and senior man sitting and discussing topics.

Promoting Regional Equity

Equity partnerships include the Southern California Association of Governments' Equity Task Force, LA Metro's Office of Race and Diversity and Caltrans.

A group of OCTA team members smiling at the camera

Involving Diverse Leaders

We host quarterly meetings with a diverse community leaders group representing business, community, civic, faith, education and nonprofits to gain feedback and provide updates related to OCTA's projects and programs.

teen council group

Engaging Future Leaders

Our diverse Teen Council offers high school students an opportunity to learn about transportation-related projects. Members focus on building leadership, communication, and teamwork skills.

octa in the community

Showcasing Community Outreach

Throughout the year, we reach out to the community to educate, engage, celebrate and collaborate to move transportation forward.

Moving forward

Our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts are ongoing. We champion all who live and work throughout Orange County.