I-5 El Toro Road Interchange
No Build Alternative
The No Build Alternative proposes no action, where no construction or improvements would be made to the I-5/El Toro Road Interchange apart from proposed projects that are under development or concurrently in construction. The No Build Alternative would not address the issues and deficiencies within the project limits.
Build Alternative 1 (braided ramps with TSM/TDM)
Build Alternative 1 proposes an additional I-5 SB off-ramp to independently serve El Toro Road EAST, and El Toro WEST. These two SB off-ramps are proposed in lieu of the one existing SB off-ramps. This is accomplished with a 2-lane I-5 SB off-ramp to El Toro Road that is split with one lane assigned to El Toro Road WEST, using the existing hook ramp, while one lane is assigned to El Toro Road EAST that is braided over the SB hook on-ramp. This ramp then travels over El Toro Road on a new bridge, and then ties into a realigned Avenida De La Carlota by the Laguna Hills Mall area. A new SB hook on-ramp is provided along the realigned Avenida De La Carlota. The existing SB direct on-ramp from El Toro Road is eliminated, while the existing access provided by the SB ramps, opposite Paseo De La Valencia, are maintained. The NB ramps would be in a similar configuration as today, with improvements made by I-5 Segment 3, which is currently under construction.

Build Alternative 2 (flyover with roundabout and TSM/TDM)
Build Alternative 2 proposes an I-5 SB flyover off-ramp to independently serve El Toro Road EAST, and a separate hook off-ramp for El Toro WEST. This is accomplished with a 2-lane I-5 SB offramp to El Toro Road that is split with one lane assigned to El Toro Road WEST, using the existing hook ramp, while one lane is assigned to El Toro Road EAST that is a flyover that connects to both El Toro Road and Rockfield Boulevard. The flyover ramp connects into a roundabout that provides access to El Toro Road EAST, and provides access to Los Alisos Boulevard. Vehicles accessing El Toro Road EAST would have to make a right turn onto El Toro Road.

Build Alternative 3 (TSM/TDM)
OCTA and Caltrans will evaluate a standalone TSM/TDM Alternative. TSM strategies increase the efficiency of existing facilities; they are actions that increase the number of vehicle trips a facility can carry without increasing the number of through lanes. Examples of TSM strategies for this project include ramp metering, signal timing, signal coordination, and intersection technology.
TDM focuses on regional means of reducing the number of vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled as well as increasing vehicle occupancy. As an example, a regional agency could actively promote ridesharing, maintain rideshare databases, and provide limited rideshare services to employers and individuals.