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Bikeways Connectivity Study



The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is conducting the Bikeways Connectivity Study to identify streets on the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) that are forecasted to have excess roadway capacity and can potentially accommodate Class IV bikeways. Class IV bikeways, also known as separated bikeways, are dedicated bike lanes that are physically separated from vehicle traffic by barriers such as curbs, parking lanes, or posts.

The study team will also host events to raise awareness and educate residents on the benefits of Class IV bikeways within their communities, and ultimately encourage more cycling. This will be an 18-month effort that will contribute to previously completed work, including the MPAH Guidance Assessment and Bikeways Strategy Reports.


  • Identify streets on the MPAH with forecasted excess capacity that could be reallocated to accommodate Class IV bikeways.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders and partner agencies on opportunities to enhance the regional bikeways network.
  • Host Class IV bikeway demonstration events and bike safety events, in partnership with local jurisdictions.


Study Kick-off July 2024
Public Engagement Ongoing
Class IV Bikeways Analysis Winter 2025
Share Recommendations Spring 2025
Final Report October 2025


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Fact Sheet