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Taxpayer Oversight Committee

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The Taxpayer Oversight Committee (TOC) is an independent committee formed after the passage of Measure M in 1990. The committee upholds the integrity of the measure by monitoring the use of OC Go (formerly Measure M) funds and ensuring that all revenue collected from OC Go is spent on voter-approved transportation projects.

Responsibilities of the 11-member committee

  • Ensure all transportation revenue collected from Measure M2 (also known as OC Go) is spent on the projects approved by the voters as part of the Transportation Investment Plan (Plan)
  • Participate in ensuring that all jurisdictions in Orange County conform with the eligibility requirements of Measure M2 prior to receiving sales tax monies
  • Review yearly independent audits and hold annual public meetings to determine annually whether the Authority is proceeding in accordance with the Plan
  • Receive and review triennial performance assessments of the Orange County local Transportation Authority regarding the performance of the Authority in carrying out the purposes of the Measure M2 Ordinance.
  • Approve by a 2/3 vote any amendment to the Plan proposed by the Authority which changes funding categories, programs or projects identified on page 31 of the Plan
    • In addition, any proposed change in allocations among the four funding categories of the Plan must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the TOC as well as the OCTA Board of Directors, and approved by a simple majority vote of the electors

2025 Committee Meetings

The OC Go Taxpayer Oversight Committee meets quarterly at 5:00 p.m. at OCTA offices at 550 S. Main Street, Orange CA 92868. Please call Alice Rogan at (714) 560-5577 to confirm meetings.

  • December 10, 2024
  • March 11, 2025
  • June 10, 2025
  • September 9, 2025
  • December 9, 2025