Environmental Cleanup Program Tier 2 Call for Projects

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The Environmental Cleanup Program (Program) helps improve overall water quality in Orange County from transportation-generated pollution. Program funds will be allocated on a countywide competitive basis to assist jurisdictions in meeting the Clean Water Act for controlling transportation-generated pollution. The funds are designed to supplement, not supplant, existing transportation-related water quality programs.
On May 2010, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors (Board) approved a two-tiered approach to fund the Measure M2 (M2) Project X Environmental Cleanup Program (ECP). The Tier 1 Grant Program is designed to mitigate the more visible forms of pollutants, such as litter and debris, which collect on roadways and in catch basins (i.e., storm drains) prior to being deposited in waterways and the ocean. The Tier 2 Grant program provides funding for larger projects, potentially multi-jurisdictional, capital-intensive structural treatment best management practice (BMP) types of projects.
The next Tier 2 Call for Projects is to be determined.