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OCTA Encourages Commuters To ‘Dump the Pump’ Next Week

Residents can sign the pledge and be part of the pollution solution

June 13, 2013
ORANGE – The Orange County Transportation Authority is encouraging people to Dump the Pump from June 17-21 by leaving their car at home and commuting using other forms of transportation.

 Riders can pledge to Dump the Pump until June 21 by choosing not to drive solo and instead take the bus or train, carpool, ride a bike, walk or telecommute. Those who pledge to take the bus or Metrolink will be sent a one-day pass or trip ticket. 

 “Dump the Pump is the perfect opportunity for commuters to experience the benefits of public transportation,” said OCTA Chairman Greg Winterbottom. “Whether you take the bus or train to work, or ride your bike to the grocery store, leaving your car at home just one day a week can save you money and reduce your carbon footprint.”

 Those who Dump the Pump can also enter OCTA’s photo contest and have a chance at winning prizes, including a $500 gift card. To participate, snap a picture of how you dumped the pump and post it on The photo entry with the most votes will win and also will be featured by OCTA.

The American Public Transportation Association sponsors the national Dump the Pump program, which started in June 2006. This national campaign helps people save money on their commute, get more cars off the road and do something good for our environment.

 According to the latest APTA Transit Savings Report, individuals in a two-person household can save an average of nearly $11,000 annually by downsizing to one car.

 To sign the pledge or enter the photo contest, log onto

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