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OCTA Appoints Hennessey As Public Board Member

Life-long resident of Orange County and business owner brings a mix of private and public sector experience
Sept. 26, 2011
ORANGE – Michael Hennessey was sworn in today as a new public member of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors.

Hennessey, a life-long resident of Orange County, begins a four-year term on the board. He replaces former Director Peter Buffa, who left the board in May after more than five years as a director.

“I’m very pleased to welcome Michael Hennessey to the Board of Directors,” said OCTA Chair Patricia Bates, also the Fifth District Supervisor. “Director Hennessey’s blend of private and public sector experience, as well as his dedication, will be of great service to the residents of Orange County.”

Hennessey has more than 20 years of experience in the Southern California real estate industry, working in housing and development for redevelopment agencies as well as commercial and residential development companies. He is currently the principal of Hennessey Group, a real estate development and consulting firm.

“It’s an honor to be selected by the Board of Directors to serve in this role,” said Director Hennessey. “I look forward to representing the public and working to improve our mobility throughout the county.”

Hennessey, a resident of North Tustin, joins the 18-member board that governs OCTA. The board is comprised of the five county supervisors, 10 city members, two public members and the Caltrans District 12 director as a non-voting member.

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