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No Bus Fare Hike For OCTA Riders

Maintenance and service workers agree to a three-year deal ensuring sustainable bus service
Nov. 8 , 2010

Board votes to put off the January increase following successful financial management and better than expected sales tax revenue
Oct. 27 , 2010

ORANGE – Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) bus riders will not see a 25 percent bus fare increase in January as scheduled.

The board of directors voted Monday to defer the increase after hearing that measures taken during the past two years to provide for long-term sustainable service have been successful. Also leading to the deferral is better than expected sales tax revenue.

“After being forced to make very difficult cuts to weather the worst financial storm in this agency’s history, it’s a great relief to provide some positive news for our riders,” said OCTA Chairman Jerry Amante, also the mayor of Tustin. “I know that in a tough economy every penny counts and I hope this helps those who rely upon our transit system.”

The $300 million 2010-11 transit operating budget OCTA approved in June included a reduction of 150,000 hours of bus service that was cut in March and $14 million in administrative cuts. In addition, the state restored transit funding that had previously been cut.

The budget also called for a 25 percent fare increase to begin in January that was expected to generate $5.4 million. However, because of the reductions that were implemented and sales tax revenues that are $5.8 million higher than budgeted, the fare increased can be deferred for at least six months.

OCTA will review the financial outlook as it works next year to develop the 2011-12 budget and determine whether it is economically feasible to continue delaying a fare increase.

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