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New OCTA Chairman Glaab Announces Goals

Focus is delivering projects that improve life for Orange County residents

Jan. 23, 2012

ORANGE – Newly selected Orange County Transportation Authority Chairman Paul Glaab unveiled his strategic initiatives for the year ahead, placing the focus on exploring options for bus and rail commuters as well as fast-tracking Measure M2 project delivery.

Glaab’s priorities call for implementing first and last mile connections for rail users, making use of federal, state and local funding, and creating a financial strategy to speed up M2 project construction.

“I am eager to start delivering the transportation projects residents and voters are anticipating for 2012,” said Glaab, also the mayor of Laguna Niguel. “As always, our goal is to keep Orange County moving and this year we’re working hard to achieve that objective.”

The strategic initiatives unveiled by Glaab today include:

  • Improve passenger rail service
  • Create ridership programs
  • Expedite capital project delivery
  • Build collaborative relationships
  • Take advantage of funding opportunities
  • Optimize street and bikeway networks
  • Select I-405 locally preferred strategy
  • Support sustainability initiatives
  • Improve goods movement
  • Enhance efficiency and effectiveness

For more details on the initiatives, click here.


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