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California Rail Safety Month campaign launched at Orange Station

"See Tracks? Think Train!" spokesperson shares experience after losing legs in rail incident

ORANGE, CALIF. - Metrolink, Orange County Transportation Authority, and Operation Lifesaver Inc. officials launched the agencies' combined safety campaign of "See Tracks? Think Train!" on September 4 at the city's train station that serves both Metrolink and Amtrak passengers.

"If a car can't stop on a dime then a train definitely can't," Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer said. "Every year, thousands of people's lives are destroyed by what has become a nonchalant attitude around train tracks. People carelessly walk or drive across tracks without fully comprehending the speed and power of an oncoming train. Tragically, these unfortunate individuals pay consequences that cannot be taken back. See tracks, think train is a simple message, but one that will save lives"

Spitzer, an OCTA and Metrolink board member, helped launch Rail Safety Awareness Month with today's event.

In addition to passenger rail, the region has thousands of freight trains that cross before pedestrians and drivers in Southern California. On a daily basis, more than 70 Metrolink, Amtrak and freight trains pass through the Orange Station alone.

Mark Kalina, a "See Tracks? Think Train!" spokesperson and an Operation Lifesaver volunteer, shared his story about the night his life changed due to a shortcut across train tracks. In the fall of 2012, the then-college senior had both legs severed when he was caught underneath a moving train.

Though losing his legs was tragic, Kalina considers himself fortunate to be alive. According to Federal Rail Administration statistics, 476 pedestrian rail trespass fatalities occurred in 2013 nationally. California had the highest number (76) of trespass deaths of any state, nearly three times as any other.

In addition to the number of pedestrian trespassers, there were 2,087 highway-rail grade crossing collisions in 2013. Of those collisions, 146 occurred in California, claiming 43 additional lives.

The California Office of Traffic Safety has worked collaboratively with Metrolink and other rail partners in the campaign to save lives at highway-rail grade crossings.

The Orange event was the springboard of outreach efforts to caution pedestrians to stay away from train tracks and avoid the life-changing effects of carelessness around railroads. The intent of the campaign is aimed at raising awareness about risky pedestrian and driver behavior around railroad tracks.

Rail safety is a year-round campaign involving many organizations and individuals. The rail safety partners continue to raise public awareness to improve driver and pedestrian behavior around railroad tracks. The 2014 effort includes messaging to adult males through a beverage coaster campaign. According to national statistics, 80 percent of those involved in rail incidents are men, mostly between 18 and 25 years of age.

The safety campaign also includes new public service announcements regarding motorist, bicyclist and pedestrian safety, along with awareness information provided to professional drivers, tow operators, public transportation passengers and school children. 

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