Telework for Commuters
Teleworking, sometimes known as telecommuting, is the practice of working from home instead of traveling to a centralized workplace, office, or other facility. This practice completely eliminates commuting on days when it occurs. Some employers offer teleworking full time, while others do so on a part-time basis. OCTA is committed to removing cars from the road and teleworking helps achieve the organizational goal of reducing vehicle miles traveled.
Save Money – The commuting costs of fuel, vehicle maintenance, intangible vehicle depreciation, and transit are eliminated. Insurance companies may also trim premiums based on decreased travel. It is estimated that you can save $1,456 annually by eliminating a moderate commute*.
Increase Productivity – 35-40% higher employee productivity was reported by teleworkers in a study conducted by Global Workplace Analytics.
Reduce Carbon Footprint – Teleworking reduces environmental impacts because there are no emissions.
Increase Productivity – 35-40% higher employee productivity was reported by teleworkers in a study conducted by Global Workplace Analytics.
Reduce Carbon Footprint – Teleworking reduces environmental impacts because there are no emissions.
Regain Usable Time – Orange County roundtrip commutes average one to two hours daily. Based on the same moderate commute above*, 390 hours per year can be saved by teleworking full-time.
Decrease Stress – Eliminating time spent in stop-and-go traffic can reduce stress significantly. Stress associated with commutes has been attributed to many adverse health conditions.
Decrease Stress – Eliminating time spent in stop-and-go traffic can reduce stress significantly. Stress associated with commutes has been attributed to many adverse health conditions.
Tips for Success
Maintain Your Morning Routine – Taking a shower, getting dressed, and eating breakfast can jumpstart a productive work-from-home day rather than staying in pajamas all day.
Carve Out Office Space – Dedicating a space – even a corner of your living room – can help you feel more productive and focused. out our Home Office Safetylist to make sure your workspace is optimal.
Take a Walk to Break Up Your Day – make sure to get some fresh air to help prevent burnout.
Carve Out Office Space – Dedicating a space – even a corner of your living room – can help you feel more productive and focused. out our Home Office Safetylist to make sure your workspace is optimal.
Take a Walk to Break Up Your Day – make sure to get some fresh air to help prevent burnout.
Plan Out Your Day – Prioritize your tasks with a “to-do list” and set your day up for success.
Set Up Expectations with Family Members – Discuss your need for minimal distractions and quiet time with your housemates.
Set Up Expectations with Family Members – Discuss your need for minimal distractions and quiet time with your housemates.
Productivity and Wellness Resources
HubSpot: How to work from home: 20 tips from people who do it successfully
PC Magazine: 20 tips for working from home
Inc.: Working remotely for the first time? These seasoned experts have advice for you to follow
Forbes: Coronavirus career advice - 8 ways to be more effective while you work from home
Forbes: Four ways to refresh your routine when working from home
BBC: How to work from home - comfortably
Playcore: Promoting health and wellness while working from home
Everfi: Promoting workplace mental health in the age of COVID-19
San Diego Union Tribune: Are American’s actually more productive working from home?
PC Magazine: 20 tips for working from home
Inc.: Working remotely for the first time? These seasoned experts have advice for you to follow
Forbes: Coronavirus career advice - 8 ways to be more effective while you work from home
Forbes: Four ways to refresh your routine when working from home
BBC: How to work from home - comfortably
Playcore: Promoting health and wellness while working from home
Everfi: Promoting workplace mental health in the age of COVID-19
San Diego Union Tribune: Are American’s actually more productive working from home?
Resources for Teleworking Parents
Buffer: Working from home with kids: 21 tips from our remote team
TDS Telecom: Ways to balance work and parenting young kids at home
Vox: Working from home with kids feels unsustainable. Here’s how to ease the burden
WireCutter: How to work from home with kids
Live Well San Diego: Live well @ home with children
Northwestern Mutual: Essential tips for parents working from home with kids
TDS Telecom: Ways to balance work and parenting young kids at home
Vox: Working from home with kids feels unsustainable. Here’s how to ease the burden
WireCutter: How to work from home with kids
Live Well San Diego: Live well @ home with children
Northwestern Mutual: Essential tips for parents working from home with kids
Other Resources

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