Safety Awareness

Teaming Up for Cycling Safety
With its year-round great weather, miles of beaches and mountains and well-maintained streets, Orange County and bike riding fit together naturally. More and more people are choosing to ride as part of their daily commute as well as for recreation. And all of us share the road; it’s the law.Bike safety is everyone’s responsibility. That includes bike riders of all ages, motorists, pedestrians, and OCTA. Together, we can team up for cycling safety and enjoy moving throughout Orange County and beyond.
Become a safe and more confident bicyclist with bicycle safety courses led by the OCTA. To sign up for classes, please contact Peter Sotherland.
Understanding how to share the road
All traffic crashes are preventable. To encourage bike safety, OCTA is making information available that will assist both bike riders and motorists. You’ll find the latest on California rules and regulations plus safety tips and best practices on how to wear a helmet properly and use hand signals. To assist as many people as possible, there are special sections for children, adults, parents and guardians, motorists, and pedestrians. Information is also available in other languages.
Working to make OC more bike-friendly
OCTA is working with a variety of groups to make Orange County more bike-friendly while keeping public transportation safe and convenient for all. By taking the lead on regional planning, OCTA is building awareness of the need for consistent bike policies throughout Orange County’s 34 cities and five districts. Nearly 700 additional miles of bike lanes are planned throughout the county.Programs that encourage residents to get out ride and a pilot bikesharing program are helping integrate bike riding into the normal fabric of everyday transportation in Orange County. Sharing the road safely is OCTA’s goal for all who travel in Orange County.