Fred Strong

Vice Chair
Representing San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
Paso Robles Councilmember Fred Strong grew up in Greendale, WI, one of three Greenbelt Villages created by the federal government during the depression. He is a proud husband, father of five, and grandfather of six—as well as a tireless advocate for transportation initiatives at all levels of government.
Councilmember Strong has served on the board of directors for the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (RTA) since 2007, and also serves as councilmember for the City of Paso Robles—a position which he has held for many years. He previously served three terms as president to SLOCOG and RTA.
Always a civic-minded, community-oriented leader, Fred has chaired and served on numerous government committees and advisory boards at the local, state, and national levels, including board positions for the National Association of Regional Councils’ (NARC), NARC’s Transportation Committee, National League of Cities, California Association of Councils of Governments (CALCOG), and League of California Cities. He currently serves as president of CALCOG and as an alternate for the Coast Rail Coordinating Council Policy Committee.
Locally, he serves as liaison to the Paso Robles Housing Authority, Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce, and Paso Robles Main Street Board of Directors. He was a co-founder and original coordinator of the first Paso Robles Parks and Recreation sponsored youth soccer program and coordinator of the S.H.A.R.E. and Healthy Share monthly food program in San Luis Obispo County for eleven years.
Strong began his 35-year career in California, working in newspaper publishing, radio broadcasting, and representing private citizens and groups before government agencies, boards, councils, and commissions. He is retired but still occasionally serves a few clients.