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Public Committees

Technical Advisory Committee

The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was established in 1976 under the legislation enabling the creation of the former Orange County.

Transportation Funding Analyst, Associate
(714) 560-5647 |


The TAC provides OCTA staff with technical advice on issues primarily related to M2 competitive grant programs that serve to improve capacity on local streets and roads. The TAC is comprised of 35 representatives, one from each Orange County city as well as the County of Orange. Each local agency is responsible for nominating a member that will represent their community’s interests in these discussions. In addition to the 35 voting members, the California Department of Transportation, and the Transportation Corridor Agencies have non-voting members who also attend and provide input.

In order to provide the best possible recommendations, as part of the discussion process, the TAC utilizes a Technical Steering Committee (TSC) to review programming recommendations and provide policy direction on major technical issues prior to submittal to the full TAC.

Technical Steering Committee

The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) consists of nine voting members nominated by the TAC and ultimately approved by the OCTA Board of Directors (Board). Additionally, there is one Caltrans ex-officio member appointed by the Caltrans District Director. The nine voting member positions are comprised of one position for each of Orange County’s five supervisorial districts, two at-large positions, and the TAC chairman and vice-chairman.