Long Range Transportation Plan
2022 Long-Range Transportation Plan
Sustainable, equitable, and innovative transportation solutions.
By 2045 the Orange County population is expected to increase by 9%. Without continuous analysis and planning, congestion delay and other transportation challenges will likely worsen. Therefore, the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is developed every four years to define a vision for Orange County that aims to address future mobility needs. This vision considers a forecast of available revenues, changing demographics, and any other significant trends.
The LRTP acts as local input for the Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) developed by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). To address future transportation needs, the LRTP reflects current OCTA policies and commitments, transportation study findings, and input from local jurisdictions, business leaders, community leaders, county residents, and transportation planning professionals.
Study Objectives
- Develop a vision for Orange County’s transportation system
- Address key transportation challenges identified through 2045
- Use public input to identify new initiatives and priorities
- Define projects to include in the SCAG RTP/SCS
The 2022 LRTP can be viewed here.