Lost and Found
Location & Hours
To report an item that was lost on OCTA property, please:
- Complete the online form
- Email LostandFound@octa.net
- Call (714) 560-5934
When you contact Lost and Found, please provide:
- Detailed description of the item (make, model, size, color, condition, etc.).
- Date, time, service used, bus route and the direction you were traveling.
After receiving your lost item report, Lost and Found staff will search for your item and contact you with the result, typically within 1 business day.
If your item is found, please make an appointment to pick up your item by calling 714-560-5934.
At the time of pickup, you will be asked to provide the reference number (claim number) that was provided to you; as well as a photo ID issued from a recognized governmental agency.
11903 Woodbury Road
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
View Holidays Schedule
The cross streets are Harbor Blvd and Woodbury Road.
OCBus Routes 43, 60, 543 and 560 are within walking distance.

There are no public restrooms, and no loitering is allowed at the Lost and Found facility. OCTA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Lost and Found Holiday Closures
The Lost and Found Office will be closed on the following observed holidays:
Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of this document is to answer frequently asked questions related to the Orange County Transportation Authority’s (OCTA) policy for the storage, return, sale, and destruction of lost personal property that is found on OCTA’s owned and leased property, including OCTA buses.
OCTA is not responsible for lost articles. However, OCTA will process, store, and dispose of articles that are found on OCTA property pursuant to Civil Code Section 2080.6. The Lost and Found Office shall be responsible for storing, returning, and disposing of all such articles in accordance with OCTA policies.
OCTA follows guidelines established by the California Government Code and California Civil Code related to found property, which requires that articles be stored for 90 days. Articles are stored free of charge for the first 14 days. After 14 days (days 15 through 90), a $0.25 per day storage fee will be charged. Articles that are perishable, trash, waste, or that pose a potential threat to the safety of Lost and Found staff will be immediately disposed of and will not be held for 90 days.
Customers may file a claim for lost money (cash) up to three years from the original lost date (subject to review and verification). To file a claim, you may email OCTA at lostandfound@octa.net, by calling 714-636-7433 Ext 7, 714-636-4327 (TTY), or by completing the online form.
If you are unable to come or send a designated representative to the Lost and Found office to pick up your found article, Lost and Found staff may be able to provide an alternative:
- If ownership may be reasonably determined without requiring an in-person pickup, you may provide postage-paid packaging and a signed release that would allow Lost and Found staff to mail your item to you through the US Postal Service.
OCTA surplus inventory items that are considered to have some retained value, including retired office equipment, retired vehicles, and unclaimed found property and bicycles valued at $250 or more, are made available to interested parties through public auction. Interested parties not directly involved in the processing of the surplus inventory may purchase the inventory through public auction. OCTA currently uses two principal methods for the public auction of surplus inventory, including unclaimed found articles:
- General Auction Company (GAC) - Located in Buena Park California, CAG conducts monthly live auctions primarily consisting of large and bulk items from a variety of public and private sources. Interested parties should contact GAC directly for information about GAC auctions, auction dates, how to register as a buyer, or any other information. Additional information is available at https://generalauction.com
- Public Surplus.com –This online auction environment provides for the disposal of public agency surplus (retired) inventory. Interested parties may register as a buyer and obtain additional information at www.PublicSurplus.com. Bidders are required to provide a physical address, email address, and telephone number to become validated as an online bidder. Once registered, users may establish an interest list for daily or weekly email notifications. Selecting Sporting Goods -> Bicycles, California, and within 10 miles of zip code 92843, for example, should narrow your interest criteria, if only listed in Surplus Bicycle Sales in Central Orange County California. Interested partied may obtain additional information and register as a bidder at www.PublicSurplus.com.
If your article was lost in an Access taxicab, you may submit a customer inquiry using one of the following methods:
- Complete the online form
- Email LostandFound@octa.net
- Call (714) 560-5934
Once received, lost and found staff will forward the inquiry to the taxicab company. You will then be notified of the outcome of your inquiry typically within 3 business days. If found, you must pick your item up at the taxicab company. The address to the taxicab company and the hours of operation will be provided to you by lost and found staff at the time you are notified of your found item.
You may also contact the taxicab company directly using their online form.