OCTA completed the synchronization of nearly half of the 2,000 traffic signals countywide. Progress also continued on upgrading several overpasses and underpasses to separate motorized traffic from trains. These efforts help to reduce traffic along Orange County’s 7,300 miles of roadway.
Streets and roads are an integral part of our everyday lives. To keep Orange County moving and connected to work, school, shopping and recreation, Measure M takes care of every mile of existing roadway infrastructure while preparing for future growth. During the last fiscal year, OCTA distributed $44.5 million in Measure M2 funds to local jurisdictions to improve streets and roads, protect pavement and expand roadway capacity. One very noticeable improvement is the progress made in signal synchronization. Under OCTA’s leadership, 51 signal projects were planned or are in progress. This includes $38 million in improvements over 363 miles and 1,360 signals. To keep traffic moving and increase safety at grade crossings, OCTA continued the OC Bridges Program to build underpasses and overpasses to separate motorized traffic from trains. The program includes seven projects along the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Orangethorpe (east-west) rail corridor and one project along the Los Angeles - San Diego - San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) (north-south) rail corridor.