Streamline Business Systems
To Improve Operations
Enhance asset management software
- In December, OCTA initiated an upgrade to its asset management software, Ellipse, which includes migrating OCTA’s on-premise Ellipse support to a vendor-hosted and maintained environment.
Issue final acceptance of ITMS radio system
- OCTA completed final acceptance of the Intelligent Transit Management System (ITMS) on all buses. The ITMS upgrade to OCTA’s radio system ensures continuity of operations and enhanced functionality.
Develop a balanced budget
- In June, the Board approved OCTA’s $1 billion balanced budget for FY 2015-16.
- The budget provides $371 million to support bus operating and capital expenditures, $202 million for street and road improvements, $132 million to support rail operating and capital expenditures and $136 million for freeway projects.
Strengthen OCTA’s strategic plan
- The framework for a Strategic Plan performance metrics system was developed. Modifications are ongoing to ensure OCTA’s strategic long-term vision is achieved.
Introduce records management software
- SharePoint software, providing document management and storage, was implemented throughout the agency.