Promote Active Transportation
Fund projects on the regional bike network
- Orange County projects received a total of $11.5 million from the first round of the state’s Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 2. Pending January 2016 California Transportation Commission round two funding, Orange County will have secured $24.8 million for 17 projects benefiting walking and bicycling.
- Combined state and OCTA funds support projects that improve bicycle and pedestrian connections throughout Orange County, including grants to further the completion of the Orange County (OC) Loop. Develop
Develop a pedestrian action plan
- OCTA solicited input from law enforcement officers, public works staff, and its Bike/Pedestrian Subcommittee, then hosted a community workshop facilitated by a pedestrian safety expert.
- Nine actions were developed to improve pedestrian safety countywide.
Complete regional bikeways planning
- Forty-one bike corridors comprising more than 500 miles have been identified; 60 percent have been built.
- OCTA facilitated collaboration with OC Foothills jurisdictions to identify 11 regional bikeway corridors and encourage stakeholders to help develop a more bike-friendly community.
- OCTA is developing a comprehensive database of sidewalks on major roadways and near transit stations.
Raise awareness of the OC Loop
- OCTA prepared the OC Loop 70/30 Plan to summarize the technical findings in a county-prepared engineering gap closure study.
- In March, more than 200 people participated in Coyote Creek Bike Day, which promoted recent improvements to the Coyote Creek segment of the OC Loop.
Promote active transportation
- OCTA hosted a bike festival in April to encourage bicycle activities and commuting during national Bike Month.
- This year’s theme was “Start a Chain Reaction” and people pledged to ride 78,000 miles.
- To encourage safe walking and cycling, OCTA worked with local schools by hosting events and distributing fliers and hundreds of blinking reflectors.
- Videos were developed to promote safety and encourage bicycle commuting.