OCTA’s traffic engineers helped complete the first phase of signal synchronization along Alicia Parkway, Beach Boulevard and Chapman Avenue which included 159 intersections along 44 miles of roadway—helping improve the flow of traffic along these corridors.
Major streets and roads have enjoyed their fair share of improvements…and traffic relief. Thanks to a series of projects and programs including the completion of the final two Measure M Smart Streets and the synchronizing of more than 159 intersections, traffic is flowing smoother. OCTA
continues to administer a variety of funding
programs such as the M2 Local Fair Share
Program and the Regional Capacity
Program that are designed to assist
cities and the county widen streets,
improve intersections, and synchronize
signals—all targeting projects that help
with congestion relief.
Smart Streets completed OCTA finished the last two Measure M1 Smart Streets projects along Imperial Highway from the West County Line to Harbor Boulevard in La Habra and at the Imperial and Associated Road intersection in Brea. Photos
Grade Separations Final design and right-of-way acquisition were completed for the Placentia Avenue and Kraemer Boulevard Grade Separation Projects. It is part of the OC Bridges program that is separating street and rail traffic at seven crossings through Fullerton, Placentia and Anaheim. Photos
$7.8 million awarded OCTA awarded $7.8 million to synchronize more than 500 signals along 140 miles of Orange County streets and roads in June 2011 as part of the 2010 Call for Projects for the Measure M2 Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program. Photos