The 2011 employees of the year Elisha Rainwaters (coach operator) and Bill Carlson (maintenance) are part of the team of coach operators, mechanics and administrative staff that it takes to keep OCTA buses running on schedule.
Providing more reasons to ride has increased ridership. At OCTA, bus transit performance metrics are always under a close watch. During the past year, many bus transit programs showed increased success by offering much needed services and more reasons to ride. The OC Fair Express offered nonstop service from five convenient locations. Sales of our Summer Youth Pass program increased by
seven percent. And our
ongoing ACCESS
paratransit bus services saw
boardings grow to 1.3 million.
Through the launch of an
aggressive Transit System
Study (TSS), more efficient
bus services for the future
are being developed.
1.3 million boardings OCTA's ACCESS shared-ride service for individuals who are unable to use the regular, fixed-route bus service because of functional limitations caused by a disability experienced a three percent increase in boardings. Photos
94 percent on-time performance ACCESS vehicles averaged 94 percent on-time performance while fixed-route buses averaged 91 percent on-time performance throughout the fiscal year.
25,699 OC Fair Express boardings OCTA reintroduced the OC Fair Express bus service after a two-year hiatus, thanks in part to a grant from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The overall number of boardings increased 320 percent compared to the last time this service was offered in 2008. Photos
2.5 million text message During the fiscal year, OCTA’s convenient, cost-effective text messaging system fulfilled 2.5 million requests for bus arrival times via text message with a monthly average of 25,000 unique users relying on the “Text 4 Next” program.
$770,000 for iShuttle In January 2011, OCTA entered into an agreement with the City of Irvine to provide $770,000 in Proposition 116 replacement funds for the operation and maintenance of the iShuttle. Photos