
OCTA celebrated the 40th anniversary of bus service in Orange County.

Bus boardings during the fiscal year increased 2.4 percent to 52.5 million.

There were more than 46,000 boardings on OCTA’s OC Fair Express providing nonstop bus service to the Orange County Fair.

OCTA opened a new ACCESS certification center with an indoor transit simulator—one of only four nationwide.

Bus transit highlights

Senior mobility More than $2.3 million was disbursed to participating cities as part of the Senior Mobility Program (SMP). SMP provided nearly 270,000 trips.

Measure M2 Under Measure M2, Orange County’s local transportation sales tax, $2.7 million was made available to stabilize bus fares for seniors and persons with disabilities in FY 2011-12.

Text4Next This program provides scheduled arrival times for buses at particular bus stops via text message. During the fiscal year, there were 105,044 unique Text4Next users and 3,254,699 text messages sent.

eBusbooks There were 118,072 eBusbooks created during the past fiscal year.

Bus Beautification OCTA implemented a bus beautification process with the repainting of 43 40-foot buses.

Summer Youth Pass Every year as summer approaches, OCTA offers a special 3-month Summer Youth Pass to provide youth 18 and under unlimited bus riding all summer long. 2,450 of these passes were sold, which was a 6.75 percent increase over the previous year.

Jingle Pass OCTA introduced this promotional holiday bus pass that provided unlimited rides on all local buses from November 15 through December 31. A total of 3,901 Jingle Passes were sold.

Employer Pass Program The Employer Pass Program increased revenue by 4 percent and had a 2 percent increase in boardings.

University Pass Program Revenue for the University Pass Program increased 2 percent, and boardings were up 2 percent.

ACCESS Service ACCESS paratransit service for seniors and persons with disabilities had an on-time performance of 93.3 percent.