SR-22 Access Improvements
This project was completed in 2008.
The Garden Grove Freeway (SR-22) is an integral part of Southern California’s freeway network. To address specific freeway and local street congestion at Brookhurst Street, Euclid Street and Harbor Boulevard, interchanges access improvements were included in Measure M2 (also known as OC Go).

Project Overview
Utilizing savings from Measure M1 (20-year half cent sales tax for transportation improvements), these improvements were expedited and funded as part of a larger bonus project, the SR-22 Improvement Project which added carpool lanes the entire length of the SR-22 freeway.Project Benefits
Reconstructed three OC Go SR-22 freeway interchanges at Euclid Street, Harbor Boulevard, and Brookhurst Street improving traffic flow on city streets
Reduced back-up on the SR-22 freeway on- and off-ramps by adding additional ramp capacity that were needed and alleviating congestion at the interchanges
Upgraded and modified signals and resurfaced the city street with improved striping and signage at the interchanges
At a Glance
Affected Cities
Total Cost
Funding Source
Garden Grove | $26.59 million | Measure M1, State and Federal Funds |