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Board Members

Mark Tettemer

Mark Tettemer image

Mayor, City of Lake Forest

Director Mark Tettemer is currently serving as the Mayor of Lake Forest. In May 2024, he was appointed by the Orange County City Selection Committee as a city council representative to the OCTA Board of Directors.

Alongside his wife Brenda, Director Tettemer has raised two children in Lake Forest, a city they have proudly called home for over two decades. Since relocating there in 1995, Tettemer has actively engaged in community service through various organizations. He has contributed to the PTA, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts, and has played significant roles in the City’s 10th Anniversary Committee, the Parade Committee, and the Kiwanis Club of Lake Forest. He chaired the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life” during its inaugural years in 2006 and 2007. Moreover, Tettemer has volunteered at the Lake Forest 5K, El Toro High School Grad Nite, and served as the President of the El Toro Boys’ Volleyball Booster Club.

Having previously been a member of the City of Lake Forest’s Planning Commission from 2002 to 2004, Tettemer was first elected to the City Council in 2004, and re-elected in 2008. He served as Mayor in 2008 and 2009, and currently sits on the Executive Committee of the Orange County Fire Authority. Tettemer holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Public Administration.